​​​​Powered By Progressive Martial Arts Training Systems
U.F.K By Progressive Martial Arts Training Systems​
No... Not "UFC". UFK! Ultimate Fitness KickBoxing
​Ever wanted to be in shape like "those" guys? What about if you could do it with out all the bumps and bruises? What if you could have so much fun doing it that it didn't even feel like work??
​Have you ever after a long day just really needed to HIT something? If so, we have all the answers for you!
UFK is the foremost, cutting edge fitness program available. With gloves to protect your hands and a partner to coach and cheer you on, you will never feel like your working to get in the shape you always wanted.
Plus, since you will be making contact with pads, you will get the resistance of weight-training in a cardio program - doubling your results without doubling your time and effort!
This class targets all muscle groups and each workout flows easily and seamlessly into the next. Always challenging and yet easy to learn, you will get more burn for your time and effort.
Lots of experience, little, or none at all, it doesn't matter! This class will adjust to your fitness, strength and flexibility levels.
This class with grow as you do. And with all of the drills rotated on a regular basis, neither your muscles, nor your enthusiasm will ever become bored and complacent.
And all the time that your working out and having fun, your body is becoming more coordinated, balance is improving while you are learning simple, effective and valuable self defense tools, while increasing your knowledge of your bodies physiology, abilities, limitations, functions and how to safely push beyond those limitations.
We've created a place where you can go to get the exercise your body needs, without the usual hustle and bustle of a traditional gym.
You'll find you want to work out. This is the Fitness Home for you!